On 18 January 2020, Patricia Bailey spoke on behalf of ATD Fourth World and the APLE Collective at the “Speaking to Power” global protest organised by the Equality Trust in Whitehall, London.
Good afternoon. I am Patricia Bailey from ATD Fourth World, a human-rights based anti-poverty organisation with more than fifty years experience of tackling inequality and promoting social justice in the UK. Working in partnership with people affected by poverty, ATD Fourth World has, since 1968, concentrated its efforts on supporting families and influencing policy.
Today I stand here also as a member of the APLE Collective (Addressing Poverty through Lived Experience), a national collective of individuals and organisations who have experienced or are experiencing poverty. We have been building our group for nearly two years now, but we hope to keep growing and welcoming others. Our aim is to create a sustainable, grassroots network across the UK to raise awareness of poverty, reduce stigma and work together with others to eradicate it.